| Monks Ordaining Trees In
Engaged Buddhists Come Together to Save
the Forest
By Caroline Kornfield
Also In this issue:
| The Intersection of Environmental
and Social Justice
Nonviolent efforts demonstrate the inextricable
link between
respecting humanity and the environment.
By the Editors
| A Movement of Meaning in Brazil
Peasants struggle for land and dignity through
the MST movement.
By Jerlina Love
| Saving the Planet One Meal at
a Time
Vegetarianism is an environmental solution
based on love.
By John Campbell
| Vandana Shiva - A Return
To The Land
Physicist campaigns for sustainable agriculture
in India.
By Ken Preston-Pile
| The People Vs. The Toxic
North Carolina community wins cleanup and
exposes environmental racism.
By Ryan Curtis
| Who Speaks for the Trees?
UCB's Oak Grove Tree Sit
People unite to try to save a sacred oak
grove in Berkeley.
By Matthew A. Taylor
| Lives Uprooted by Oil
Indigenous peoples' rally is a way to resist
By Lani Lee
History of Nonviolence
| Civil Society and Nonviolence in Korea
Nonviolent struggle has flourished and evolved
without a prominent leader.
By JyaHyun Lee
Public Policy
| Security Without Nuclear Weapons
Nuclear weapons are not only bad for us,
we don't need them to stay safe.
By Chelsea Collonge
| Alternative Service For Drafted
Peace Tax campaign works to expand the rights
of tax refusers.
By Chris Fretz
| Update on Kucinich's Dept. of Peace
Legislation would create centralized funding
for projects to make a culture of peace.
By Carrie Brode
Perspectives on Gandhi

The Future of the Gandhian
Movement in India
Dr. M.P. Mathai discusses constructive program
in India's recent history.
By Yelena Filipchuk
| Ahimsa Economics: From India To L.A.
Gandhi's prescriptions for a nonviolent economy
are manifested in small projects globally.
By Amy Elmgren

The Buddha Path & the
Gandhian Legacy
A travelogue of Global Exchange's tour in
the footsteps of Gandhi
By Jerlina Love
Book & Movie Reviews
Hollywood film denounces the corrupt entanglement
between the diamond trade and Sierra Leone's civil war.
By Anna Kallet
| BOOK REVIEW: Imagine Coexistence
Project brings people together in Bosnia and
Rwanda to rehumanize former enemies.
By Jamie Rowen
| BOOK REVIEW: The Legacy
of Luna
The story of a tree, a woman and the struggle
to save the redwoods.
By Matthew A. Taylor
| Julia Butterfly
Famous tree-sitter reflects on the Berkeley
Oak Grove and the South Central Farm, and activism based on
By Matthew A. Taylor
| Berkeley Deserves Better
than British Petroleum
Students reject harmful collaboration between
university and oil company.
By Hillary Lehr
Environmental Snippets
In Loving Memory of
Ken Saro-Wiwa